Moobs (Male Boobs)
Moobs, also known as man boobs or male breast tissue, can be a troublesome or embarrassing problem for men. Occasionally it can be caused by a medical condition called gynecomastia which is actual breast tissue, but more usually it is just caused by a layer of fat in the chest area. Whilst this can be exacerbated by being overweight, sometimes the fat laid down over the chest area is completely disproportional to the general amount of fat on the body.
Fat freezing (cryolipolysis) is a safe and effective way are lessening the appearance of moobs. It is painless and non-invasive without downtime, so you can get on with your normal activities straight afterwards. The handles of the machine are positioned to suck in the fat over the chest area so the fat is directly targeted and treated. The fat on the male chest area is invariably soft and squeezable, making it ideal for a fat freezing treatment. Whilst fat freezing is a great treatment for male boobs, it should be noted that it is not an appropriate as a breast reduction treatment for female boobs as it has not been approved for this purpose.
Fat freezing takes around 12 weeks to see the final results, but clients usually start to see a difference at about 4-6 weeks after treatment. You can have as few or as many treatments as you like, although most clients have between one and three – it depends on how much fat there is to be targeted, how your body responds to the treatment (responses vary from person to person) and your desired result.
A standard hour’s treatment of up to 4 areas (handles) costs £200, or £240 when combined with shockwave therapy, which speeds up and improves the results.
One treatment, unretouched photo
It’s been great. I’m just not self conscious wearing tight t-shirts any more. I wish I’d known about this treatment years ago.